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(London, England, UK)

NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE is required for this Masterclass hosted by ANNE MARIE BOND of London, UK – Spirit Artist, Medium, EVENT HOST.
Her Facebook Page


Precipitation Mediumship: Empowering Spirits Artistry AND an Experimental VIRTUAL Precipitation Circle  as taught by KEVIN LEE.

In this special workshop you will learn about the incredibly rare and near-forgotten Gift of Spirit known as Precipitation Mediumship, also called Spirit Card Writing. With this ability, Spirit produces (because of your ectoplasmic powers of mediumship) often Evidential Images and Writings without human hands or instruments. We will explore our history from ancient times to modern day. You will learn about the various styles of this phenomena along with seeing many artifacts. We will cover how this ability can be used to heal and transform others’ lives.

Attendees will have the opportunity to sit in an Experimental Precipitation Seance collectively with their Sacred Containers (shoe box or basket with lids) and their coloring instruments and tools. Circle will last about 20 minutes in active sitting and 10 mins Q&A and SEEING YOUR PRECIPITATION! Spirit has never let us down as many attendees often discover their hidden precipitation potentials in these workshops!

NEEDS:  Virtual Attendees who wish to participate at the end of our workshop in an Experimental Precipitation Development Circle should purchase the following items: 

  • Shoebox with Lid and no handle holes OR a Tightly Woven Basket with lid (light proof containers)
  • Box of 10 crayons
  • Box of 10 colored pencils
  • Box of 10 gel pens
  • Unopened Package of Blank White Index Cards (without lines)

Date: Saturday 31 October 2020

Time: 19.30-22.00 (UK/BST) – 2:30pm (US/EST) – 11:30am (US/PDT)  – 12:30pm (US/MDT) – 0430 – 0700 (Sydney/AEST)   Check your time zones

Location: Online via Zoom *provided in receipt. 

Duration: 2.5 hours

You will need to book EARLY, due to the limited spaces. Once paid you will receive a payment confirmation email, followed by a zoom link 5 days before the event. Refunds offered only within 72 hours of payment made and at least 30 days prior to event start date. No transfers to other workshops/masterclass if unable to attend, however you may opt for someone else to take your place – you would need to arrange this between yourselves and notify Anne-Marie.

THIS EVENT ONLY:  £55.00 (Pounds) / $73 US Approx. due to Exchange Rate

THIS EVENT AND SOUL ORACLE DECK MASTERCLASS: £90.00 (Pounds) / $118 US Approx. due to Exchange Rate  (Two Events Same Day)

Links to The Portrait of Spirit Website / Anne Marie Bond



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