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Levels 101-404

#RevKevinLee #AngelCards #KLeeAngelCards101



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*SEE Youtube.com/RevKevinLee  Featured Video to learn more!

FREE 4 Part Angel Card Reader Development Training and Coaching
Starts April 20th! Deadline to Enter/Submit Video Friday April 17th 2020 Midnight.

OMG!~ Im super excited to announce that this… today the Angels were bugging me – DO IT! DO IT! – So I had to! I wanted to Practice the Law of Reciprocity – Giving and Receiving – We reap what we sow.. and as many of us have lost jobs and clients and work.. times are hard! So why not BLESS A FEW IMPORTANT FOLKS with a VERY RARE offer! OVER 13 Hours of FREE Angel Card Reader Development Training and Coaching from me – I have built a large metaphysical community and know how to develop students intuitively and how to use divination tools like the Angel Cards. I want you to spread your wings as I did and fly! Let me help you!


4 Part Angel Card Reader Course

4 PAID Spots total for this Experience
4 WINNER Spots total for this Experience

Dates:  April 20, 24, 28, May 1
Times: 1pm EST  (3.5 hrs long approx each date).
May 1st potentially will last 4.5 hours for those interested in learning how to setup and run an Angel Business.

**Each Course will be recorded and provided to each student after each class. 

Date:  April 20th – Level 101

Learn about Divination Tools (Oracle and Angel Cards)
Meditation Skills Required
Intuitive Skills to Develop
Basic Card Spreads
Setting up your Sacred Angel Altar and Spaces
Biblical and Ancient History on Divination
*Homework to do after each course.

Date:  April 24th – Level 202

Learning More Card Spreads
Symbology/Colors/Numbers – The Signs in the Cards
Handling Difficult Messages for Clients (Ethics and Professionalism is KEY)
*Homework to do after each course.


Date: April 28th – Level 303

[Learning to Work Publicly]
*Psychic Fair Simulation
*Public Reading Panel Simulation
Legalities of Spiritual “Businesses”
Professional Marketing Online
Marketing Tools – One Sheet (Think Resume)
*Homework to do after each course.


Date: May 1st – Level 404

(Getting you ready for public presentation)
Public Reading Panels
Rapid Readings for Public Work
Angelic House Parties
Opening Your Angelic Business [Optional – End of Class for those wishing to learn how to open an Angel Business]  We will cover many aspects for the most BASIC SMALL ANGEL BUSINESS. This is a lot of material and probably could be shared as a deeper course for serious professional students however you get this blessing and teaching. We will have workbooks you can print or type in using MICROSOFT POWERPOINT software. Attendees will receive the files upon registration or winning a spot. 

Giveaway Official Rules

1. Contest Sponsor: www.RevKevinLee.com

2. Who is eligible to enter this YouTube Giveaway: Anyone who meets our submissions criteria listed here.

3. Who may be excluded: all persons failing to meet submission criteria listed here.

4. Start Date for Submission: April 13, 2020 End Date/Time for Submissions/Entries: until Midnight (Eastern Standard Time) Friday April 17th, 2020.

5. The Prize(s): 4 spots in this 4 part online workshop – one per applicant (retail value $400)

6. “Odds of winning based on number of entries accepted.”

7. How to enter:
*Applicants must be 18+ years of age.
*You must LIKE the Youtube Contest Video and SUBSCRIBE to that Youtube Channel (Rev Kevin Lee – Living a Psychic Life). [You will need to comment on this video but that is explained shortly]
*Next you will need to shoot a 30 second video of yourself telling us WHY you deserve to win 1 of 4 spots being offered.
*Said video must be uploaded ONLY to your Youtube channel.
*Videos needs to remain PUBLIC (not private or unlisted) until 4/19/20.
*Video TITLE preferably (or in body description) needs to have Your Name AND Our Signature HASHTAG OF: #KLeeAngelCards101 (to help us track your video.)
*Videos of 31 seconds or more will be disqualified as will videos posted only for submission through facebook, Instagram or similar. Youtube only please.
*Once your video is posted and live, RETURN to my YOUTUBE CHANNEL Contest Invitational Video ABOVE and drop your comments BELOW of your interest in applying and include your video submission’s URL TO THAT VIDEO on your Youtube channel.

( Optional) Light your 5 day Angel Angels, Lay out some crystal grids, invoke the fairy kingdom for some LOTTO HELP.. and go meditate! It’s great for you!

8. Location for Submission: Youtube.com – YOUR Channel. *You will need to setup a Gmail Email account if you don’t have one. It’s free. Go to www.Gmail.com *Take this gmail email address and go to www.Youtube.com and register to setup your Channel account.

9. Criteria for picking winners: Kevin Lee will review all video submissions and choose the 4 videos that represent the best reasons WHY applicants should be winners and participate in this online workshop. Kevin will announce in his YOUTUBE LIVE VIDEO CHANNEL SATURDAY APRIL 18th 2020 at 3PM EST the winners!

10. How to claim your prize if chosen: We will contact you directly through the gmail email address you used to create your youtube channel. If you cannot remember that gmail email address, click on your channel’s ABOUT tab and scroll to bottom where you will find a VIEW EMAIL ADDRESS button. Click and follow instructions to display your gmail email address you will need to have access to for receiving our Prize Winning Invitation email with instructions on how to follow through and signup easily. Requirements for winners will be included in this free giveaway.

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