Loading Events

Dates:  Nov 9, 16, 23  @ 2pm EST, UTC-5, GMT-4

Location: ZOOM online software https://zoom.us/join
*We recommend you signup for zoom ahead of time and install any small application files they suggest before attending online. This will Speed Up your SIGN IN. 


Donation:  $20 weekly

Times:  2pm-3:30pm

You will need a Computer or Smart Phone with speaker for audio. Video Camera helpful but not required. You must be seated in front of computer for this online weekly offering. Privacy and Not being Disturbed will be required – think Meditation Room with locked door. PHONES OFF. 

You have your Sacred Container present during each classes  (shoebox sized container with lid, some crayons, colored pencils or gel pens, and blank white unlined index cards – maybe 5-7 of each)

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