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This Event is a NOVA University
(Fort Lauderdale, FL) Wellness Lunch Series

hosted by Dr. Janet Lynn Roseman-Halsband
Associate Professor, Integrative Medicine

Location:  ZOOM – TBA  (Check Back Closer to Date)


TOPIC:  LIFE AFTER AFTER – The Science of After-Death Consciousness   

Presenter:  Rev. Kevin Lee, ARNP, CRNA
Metaphysical Researcher, Speaker, Author, Coach.

Consciousness after death is a common theme in society and culture in the context of life after death. Scientific research has established that the mind and consciousness are closely connected with the physiological functioning of the brain, the cessation of which defines brain death.

Kevin will be sharing academic research and some stories of near death experiencers and those experiencing a “Share Death” experience that is quite surprising. He will discuss the true nature of the human creature. He will discuss consciousness in relation to said creature and how such could be viewed to alleviate unnecessary suffering in oneself and in others through sharing your new understandings.

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