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Kevin Lee hosts for you, his tribe, this ongoing VIRTUAL EXPERT SERIES to help you take your life and your business to the NEXT LEVEL!

Join us on ZOOM with Kathy Kaye, CEO of www.BestsellersGuild.com

Whether you have a book or you’re still in the planning stages, I’m sure you want to know the best ways to stand out in the crowd and make REAL money with your book!

Grab pen and paper. We’re going to be dropping diamonds of info!

– Marketing and sales tips and tricks
– How authors have gone from $0 to $100,000.00 in their first year
SUPER BONUS: the 8th way to make money from your book while you sleep!


Kathy has produced over 600 Bestselling Authors. 100% success rate. She’s glad to share her knowledge with you.

“Kathy Kaye, O. M. GOODness. I came across your write your book in an hour video workshop and went through it and I WROTE MY MANUSCRIPT! I have never been so clear. Your prompts (and more importantly) your space allowed me to just let it flow. I am squealing with delight!” ~ ‎Julia Winston


Kathy Kaye, a marketing powerhouse and international Best Selling Author with over 20 years experience specializing in social media marketing and creating Best Sellers.

Since 2015, as a Speaker and Author’s Muse, Kathy has been able to help over 600 people become Best Sellers.

A Multi-preneur and mother, Kathy teaches her clients to share their stories and build that “know, like, and trust” factor which is in her own business. Kathy has created a unique formula by which they help her clients achieve their Author and Business goals. Kathy has been invited to the stages of several notable figures, including Lisa Nichols “Speak and Write to make Millions” to teach her signature formula. Her method of marketing and publishing is unique and unprecedented, and continues to make true on the promise to make Best-Selling authors out of every client. With a 100% success rate, Kathy and her team are taking the world by storm.

KATHY KAYE, CEO of Authorpreneur Network
Founder www.BestSellersGuild.com

Let’s stay connected on Facebook: fb.com/kathykayebooks

Schedule an Author Call: calendly.com/kathykayebooks

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