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The Inner Temple Symposium

Sponsored By:
The Los Angeles Tribune
Best Holistic Life Magazine

Start Here to Heal Your Inner Reality
Join us ONLINE  November 10-12, 2023  for this life changing online symposium.

Join us for a transformative 2.5-day virtual experience hosted by Jeremy McDonald and Dawna Campbell. The Inner Temple Symposium is your gateway to a profound inner journey, a symphony of healing modalities, and a gathering of minds dedicated to your well-being.


  • KEVIN LEE (Discovering Your Divine Purpose in 5 Golden Keys)
  • HOST Jeremy McDonald (The Storytelling Alchemist),
  • HOST Dawna Campbell (The Mind Whisperer),
  • SPONSOR Moe Rock, CEO of Los Angeles Tribune,
  • Kimberly Meredith (world-renowned Celebrity Medical Intuitive Psychic Medium)
dawna campbell of inner temple symposium 2023
Dawna Campbell
Kevin Lee

kimberly meredith psychic medium kevin lee

Kimberly Meredith

Jeremy McDonald the storytelling alchemist kevin lee
Jeremy McDonald
moe rock la los angeles tribune
                              Moe Rock                  











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What to Expect

Spiritual Practice & Healing Technique
Money Healing & Mediumship
Angels & Chakras
Card Reading & Healing Inner Self

Drumming and Sound Healing ~

Our symposium kicks off with a mesmerizing drumming ceremony, setting the tone for an immersive healing journey. Feel the rhythms resonate through your being, awakening your inner harmony.

Inspiring Speakers ~ like KEVIN LEE’s “5 Golden Keys to Discover Your Purpose”

Explore a diverse lineup of speakers, each a renowned expert in their field of healing. From spiritual practices and healing techniques to chakras and money healing, our speakers bring real solutions to empower your self-healing journey.

Global Wisdom

Connect with like-minded individuals and experts from around the world. Our speakers will share their insights, experiences, and wisdom to guide you on your path towards healing and self-discovery.

All-Inclusive Experience

The Inner Temple Symposium is designed to be an all-inclusive event, where you have access to a wide array of healing techniques and spiritual practices. Whether you’re exploring mediumship or delving into meditation, there’s something here for everyone.

VIP Upgrade

Elevate your experience with our VIP package. For just $97, gain exclusive access to event recordings and receive bonus gifts from our esteemed speakers, the recordings of this event as well as a special VIP meet up with the speakers. Keep the wisdom and inspiration alive long after the symposium ends.

Vision of Inner Temple Symposium
At the Inner Temple Symposium, our vision is to create a sacred and nurturing space where healers and seekers of spiritual pathways unite in a journey of profound self-discovery and transformation. We envision a vibrant community where:

Learning – is a cornerstone: We are committed to providing a platform for continuous growth and knowledge sharing. Our symposium is a hub of wisdom, featuring renowned experts in a diverse range of healing modalities, spiritual practices, and self-improvement techniques. Attendees will embark on a lifelong journey of learning and personal evolution.

Support – is abundant: We understand that the path of a healer or spiritual seeker can sometimes be solitary. That’s why we’ve created an atmosphere of unwavering support and encouragement. Attendees will find mentors, kindred spirits, and a network of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to lifting each other up.

Connection – is the heartbeat: The Inner Temple Symposium is more than an event; it’s a gathering of souls on a shared mission. We envision profound connections forged, friendships formed, and collaborations sparked. Attendees will leave not only with newfound knowledge but with a sense of belonging to a global community of healers and spiritual explorers.

Our vision is to empower individuals to heal themselves from the inside out, to awaken their innate potential, and to radiate that healing energy into the world. We believe that together, we can create positive ripples of transformation that extend far beyond the symposium, touching lives and bringing light to the darkest corners.

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Sponsored By:
The Los Angeles Tribune
Best Holistic Life Magazine


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