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The Kai-Felix Circle’s 2024 FLORIDA Experience
( German Materialization Physical Medium )
2024 April 22-24th
2 Materialization Cabinet Séances
1 Table (Levitation) Séances
*Potential Experimental Phenomena Levitation, Apports (gifts from the spirit realms),
Spirit Writing phenomena, Spirit Light phenomena,
Ectoplasmic phenomena in bright red light, and more.

This is a security measure for all attendees and our medium. This also is to ensure that interested persons are fully aware of what they may be attending – and that they are fully ready to participate in such an advanced spiritual gathering

Persons afraid of the dark, have claustrophobia, have neurological conditions such as schizophrenia / psychosis / personality disorder / autism or any other “reality distortion” of the mind. If you are unsure, simply ask us. No harm in that!


April 22, 2024 
Table Séances w/ Associated Table Levitation Phenomena table tipping levitation physical mediumship psychic phenomena
Times: 7pm – 1130pm approx.. *doors open 30 minutes prior. *Times subject to change at our discretion (you will be notified through your email address for updates and changes)

*No Refunds for any reasons due to mediums international travel costs , including payment processing fees which are out of our control.
Max # of Guests: 16
Donation: $150
This experimental séance is an Initiation of all energies for Kai and his wife Julia, our attendees, our church and our many guests. This harmonizes us as One Accord before God. Various experiments will be attempted and demonstrated. There should be lots of unique and beautiful and loving Paranormal Phenomena! Come with No Expectations and with an Open Heart! You will likely see our Séance Table Levitating in red light, spirit lights in room, sometimes apports come in, sometimes gentle loving “Spirit Touches”. Wonderful and fun messages from Spirit will come through the table’s responses to questioning and Spirit Control. There will be a plastic round table around which will sit half the group along with Kai and his wife Julia. The other half will sit in a second outer circle and trade places half way through the sitting. You could experience COMPLETE (totally off the ground) levitation of the table – if our energies are harmonized and there is No Fear in your Minds / No doubts. Apports have also happened in these sessions. Kai does not go into the full-lasting trance that he does in his materialization cabinet séance events.

April 23 & 24, 2024
Materialization Cabinet Séances
Times: 7pm – 1130pm approx.. *doors open 30 minutes prior. *Times subject to change at our discretion (you will be notified through your email address for updates and changes)

*No Refunds for any reasons due to mediums international travel costs , including payment processing fees which are out of our control. 

Max # of Guests: 16
Investment: $170

Details: In these experimental séances, Kai will give a 1.5 hour Orientation to his work before actually going in to the séance room. He will then induce a trance state while in the completely dark séance room which will bring through the Spirit team that works with him. You will experience independent sounds and lights in the room, as well as touches from spirit materialized forms and more. You may also have a chance, in bright red light, to see ectoplasm that is generated by the spirit team, and well as materialized forms (even apports / gifts from spirit) that come from that ectoplasm/the ethers. Our singing will help raise the vibrations and energy needed to accomplish these phenomena.

REGISTER HERE YOUR INTEREST TO ATTEND (payment links provided once you are approved) 

$150 Table Seances
$170 Cabinet Seances

RSVP As Soon As Possible – WILL SELL OUT FAST!!!

We are taking Reservations (and once you are Interviewed by Kevin & Approved then) FULL Prepayments to hold your seats. Please do not hesitate to reserve soon. We cannot stress this enough. Once the evenings are sold out, no more seats will be available.
** CRITICAL ** All participants must be properly documented, interviewed and fully registered before attending.
No one will be allowed to simply “Show Up at the Door”.

PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE: You may also make 2-3 payment installments + fees to pay for your ticket(s), once monthly starting with first payment upon making your Reservation.
*You have to Contact KEVIN +1-754-300-9978  if you are booking with Payment Plan. Additional payment plan fees may be included to cover administrative costs for all event offerings.

Sarasota, FL 34237 *details shared with paid registrants only.


The Felix Circle Experience – Since late 2004 the experimental sitters circle for Séance Room Phenomena, Physical Mediumship and Spirit Contact near Frankfurt/Germany, the Felix Experimental Group or Felix Circle, is active and involved in highly sophisticated experimentation and group healing activities. Inspired by the work of others and supported through findings of a new generation of open holistically thinking scientists the circle steps weekly across the borderline of our reality…!

Felix Circle’s Website: www.felixcircle.blogspot.com    
About the Medium: www.KaiMuegge.de

The Felix Circle’s Founder – Frankfurt, Germany: Being for the first years permanently ill , he was as a child handed over to every clinic imaginable. As a child he had his first memory of leaving his body and converse with etheric entities. With 5 he wrote about parallel realms and their intrusion into the human world. Early he read about reincarnation, occultism, hypnosis. As a 12 year old school pupil he was drawn to school comrades, in whose home grave Poltergeist-manifestations were taking place. Since then he was a committed scholar of “The nightside of Nature”(J.Kerner). He learned hypnosis, deep meditation and non-common consciousness-states. He consulted RSPK-victims, experimented with ITC, Trance- and Physical Mediumship and Clearing-Methods. Not until end of 2004 his mediumistic mission became clear. He founded the “Felix Experimental Group”, sophisticated mediumistic experimentation and healing-activities. Paraphysical phenomena were regularly produced for intl. guests and scientists. Besides his work as Medium, K.M. published articles about RSPK, PSI and unidentified aerial phenomena. He is documentation-filmer and orderly member of the “German Press Journalists”, studied pedagogic in Frankfurt.

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