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May 13 – July 29th, 2021
12 Weekly Circles in Total

Thursdays 3pm-4pm Eastern Time USA /
12pm Pacific Time / 7AM Sydney / 8pm UK /
9pm Germany / 10pm South Africa

PRECIPITATION MEDIUMSHIP is an incredibly rare and beautiful form of spirit communication that includes images, writings and even signatures that “precipitate” out of the ether onto a surface.
 Colorful pigments (most often supplied by a medium) are reformed by a spirit and laid down intelligently so that the final product has meaning to the recipient or witness. Neither human hands nor physical writing/drawing/painting tools are involved directly in the process of creating this phenomena. The focus of true precipitation is on the reformation of colored pigments themselves. When a spirit controls the hands of a medium to write/draw/paint, this is termed “automatic” writing/drawing/painting and is NOT precipitation mediumship. When a spirit directly controls or manipulates (ie. levitates) these same tools using ectoplasmic and other forces alone (no human contact), this is termed “direct” writing/drawing/painting and is NOT precipitation mediumship. Broadly, all such examples given here are termed Spirit Art (being due to spirit influence).

REMEMBER – You are INVESTING in your Divine Potentials as a Precipitation Medium. This will require DEDICATION, PATIENCE, and WEEKLY CIRCLE ATTENDANCE. Sporadic attendance is like giving sporadic and limited sunlight to a seedling – it will grow poorly and never be a strong plant. All the great Precipitation Mediums have spoken of these principles as your FOUNDATION to your development. Get excited! Have fun with this journey unfolding your Gifts! Share this potential with others – teach them what you are learning!

Can I ask a Favor of each of you?!? Please SHARE this event to your Timelines, Groups, Newsletters and Friends. Let’s GROW our Spiritual Tribe Family! *Be sure to include your own Testimonial of HOW it has changed or inspired your own spiritual development!


Payment Options: [Missed Sessions Not Refunded]
Awesome One Time QUARTERLY Package Price: $180
(Total Value $240 – Sexy Savings of $75 including a BONUS Session/Price Reduction $15 OFF).
After paying for this QUARTERLY PACKAGE, you must locate automated email receipt and follow instructions to SCHEDULE all remaining Weekly Thursday Circles you wish to attend. This will complete your purchase/booking process.

.Awesome MONTHLY Subscription Price: $75/month (for 3 monthly charges)=$225 total. (Subscription Value $240 – Sexy Savings of $15). Recurring Charge x3. After paying for this Monthly PACKAGE, you must locate automated email receipt and follow instructions to SCHEDULE all remaining Weekly Thursday Circles you wish to attend. This will complete your purchase/booking process.


Single Weekly Circle purchase $20 (Non-Subscriber)
You do not need an account with Zoom to access circles but you will need weekly url provided by systems after you purchase circles.  Unique Weekly Zoom URL links sent via emails – Check your SPAM.
Video explains necessary items to gather and bring to each circle sitting for your development.
Having Problems with Booking Sessions or Events?

Still Struggling? Oh, we found a human! It’s ok. Text us or call 754-300-9978


* One “Sacred Container” Box or Basket. (Shoebox literally works best and is cheap – not much larger than shoebox or too small either)
* 5 of each (approx): Crayons, Colored Pencils, GEL PENS, Markers
* One New Package of BLANK (no lines!) 3″x5″ (8.89cm x 12.7cm) index cards [select 15 new cards each week to use]

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