Donation: $55.00
Since ancient times, mystics have reported spirit communication through writing and artistic expression that materialized without the interaction of human hands. Known as precipitation mediumship; examples are found in religious texts, museums, churches, and private collections, including Lily Dale. Workshop participants will learn how the beauty and richness of the spirit world is brought forth in many forms of intelligent phenomena. You will come to understand that everyone has the potential to unfold this gift of spirit and its immense healing potential. A Precipitation Development Circle will be attempted by interested parties much like holding a simple seance so that students can go home ready to setup their own circle for Precipitation Development.Â
Topics covered are:
- accounts of precipitation mediumship, ancient to today;
- art and spirit writing as spirit communication;
- philosophical, religious, and scientific aspects of precipitation;
- developing the precipitation potential;
- proper sitting/development protocols and guidelines for unfoldment;
- An experimental precipitation mediumship circle.
Optional: bring a light proof shoe box, 15-20 blank white index cards, and a few crayons, colored pencils, pens, and markers.
GENERAL QUESTIONS FOR KEVIN – Call his Church Office – Metaphysical Chapel of S. Florida 754-300-1428