Loading Events

Join Kevin Lee at various locations throughout the United States in 2020. 

Founder / Host / Author (aka Miss America!):  Sandra Champlain


Locations to be added shortly


  • Bereavement and Grief Support/Discussion Groups
  • Afterlife Discussions and Panels
  • Mediumship and Metaphysical Workshops

Demonstrations by Expert Mediums:
Trance Channeling Mediumship
Physical Mediumship (seances)
Mental Mediumship – Platform demonstrations

Mediums Confirmed:
Kerry McCleod-Dykes (Scotland)
Phil Dykes (England)
Scott Milligan (England)


Join us the Weeks Starting (details at link above)
June 4th
August 7th
September 12th
October 25th
November 25th
December 3rd

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