Our Father-Mother-God, who is within all life, we honor your Presence, the I AM, within us.
We accept your kingdom manifest on Earth through us.
We accept our responsibility to manifest your will on Earth, as it is manifest in Heaven.
We see and accept that your will is not apart from our own will because your will is the higher will of our souls.
Therefore, your will is our will and our will is your will.
We lovingly align ourselves with the will of the I AM Presence within each of us.
We accept that you are giving us our daily opportunity to be more of God in this world.
We acknowledge that you forgive us our imperfections, as we forgive each other and surrender our will to the higher will within us.
We therefore accept the truth that the universe returns to us what we send out.
We take responsibility for our lives and our planet.
We vow to rise above the anti-will of our egos, so that you can deliver us from all dark forces manipulating us through that anti-will.
We vow to be more of God each day, so that Earth can be more of God’s kingdom each day.
We affirm that your kingdom, power and glory is manifest on Earth, now and forever.