Tips on how to optimize your experience in this program…
Focus all of your attention during this class
- Remove all outside distractions. Multitasking is a myth.
- Find a quiet place to learn.
- This is YOUR time. Let your family know that you are in class and will be available in approx. 2 hours.
- Center your body and still your mind and get ready to learn.
- Be an ACTIVE learner, posting in chat, raising your hand, and doing all the homework.
- We created this program because effective speaking requires a structure.
Four Elements that make this program powerful and world class:
- The content that you are learning – applied learning. Interactive experiential learning.
- The SAC coaches feedback – Watch the video posted for everyone (when we coach one person, we coach everyone). And look out for your SAC coach intro videos!
- Peer feedback and exchange.
- The homework that you do.
Hashtags to use when you post your homework:
- Hashtags go with the assignment # and the technique you are using.
For example: #SNAAP #HW1 #2023 .This is the Snaap technique and the first assigned homework.
How Calls and Each Session Will Occur:
- Calls are 90 min, carve out 2 hours in case we go over
- Calls cover Content, Q&A (when time permits), Multiple Areas of Speaking
- Each class has homework – complete before next call
- SAC Coaches will review and give feedback
- Speak for Ultimate Impact and Profit (SUIP) will be referred to as study options
- Peer Feedback – 3 people (2 celebrations and 1 uplevel for each person)
Look forward to:
- Stand and Deliver – In person
- General Admission ticket to Flagship Speaker Training Event
- Peer Feedback – 3 people (2 and 1 for each person)
What You Will Need To Succeed in This Program:
- Time allocated for your group coaching calls
- SUIP Program Downloaded (Speak For Ultimate Impact and Profit)
- 3 ring, 3-inch binder to keep all of your Ignite things in one place (suggestion)
- Establish an accountability system (in this group)
- Prepare to do Stand and Deliver Live
- Your willingness to be seen
Facebook Group / Accountability:
In this program, Facebook will be a powerful connection and communication tool for you. This is where you will be posting your homework and videos for feedback from coaches & peers.
CLICK HERE if you have not already joined the private program group. In this group, you will see that we are merging the first class and this new class so that you can get feedback from the alumni that have already gone through this program before you.
When you request to join you will be asked for your passcode: IMPACT
Please make sure to enter your passcode to get approved.
All your homework should be posted in the Private FB group and use the hashtags so that our SAC coaches will be able to find your homework and give you feedback. This is very important as there are already a lot of videos and this will support your SACoaches to find your videos and give you the feedback you are looking for.
Start forming your accountability groups! This process is not facilitated by MTM or your facilitators. Clients are responsible for assembling / joining / managing / participating in accountability groups. You have until session 3 to be in a group. Remember to raise your hand and ACTIVELY insert yourself. By the 4th session you should have had at least 2 accountability calls set up. See the accountability outline to use as a guide (also posted in the facebook group in the “Files” section)
Post a video on what type of speaker that you are (Inspirational, Informational, Transformational, Motivational) and what type of speaker you aspire to be. Add the three things that you need to work on to go to the next level. Use hashtag #TheSpeakerIAm