Turn your Book into a $100,000 Online Course

As a 2X Author with a #1 International Best Seller (Your Divine Purpose – a Journey to Fulfillment and Legacy), creating an online course from my best selling book has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have had in my career. I have seen incredible results from making this move, and I am thrilled with the success I have had.

The first result of creating an online course from my best selling book has been a dramatic increase in my book sales. People who have taken my course have naturally gone on to purchase my book, and I have seen an impressive spike in revenue since launching the course.

The second result of creating an online course has been an increase in my audience. By offering an online course, I have been able to reach a much wider audience than I would have been able to reach with a traditional book. I have been able to reach readers from all over the world, and I have even seen an increase in sales in countries I didn’t think I would be able to reach.

The third result of creating an online course has been a boost in my reputation as an author. By offering an online course, I have been able to demonstrate my expertise in my field and establish myself as an authority in my niche. As a result, I have seen an increase in the number of people who seek my advice and opinion.

How Amazing is this?!? I know! Sure blows my mind…
And if I can do this, TRUST ME ~ I know you can too!

Here are some of the most common results that you could experience from creating an online course from your best selling book:

  1. Increased brand awareness and credibility: Creating an online course from your best selling book can give you a great platform to showcase your expertise and help you build a strong brand.
  2. Increased sales of your book: An online course can help you reach a larger audience and promote your book. It can also provide a way for people to become familiar with your work before investing in your book.
  3. Increased sales of other products: Creating an online course from your best selling book can help you generate more sales for other products you may have available. This can include additional books, ebooks, online courses, or consulting services.
  4. A larger email list: An online course can help you build an email list of people who are interested in your content, which can help you generate more sales.
  5. Opportunity to connect with customers: An online course can give you an opportunity to connect with customers on a deeper level. It can be a great way to build relationships with people and provide them with additional value.

Turn your BOOK… into an Online Course (as quick as you can!)

CURIOUS HOW? Check out this Event – Book to $100K Course by Kathy Kaye, Publisher

Keep it super simple at first but just get “something” online and out there. You can learn from any feedback you get and up level and edit as needed.

I cant wait to read about what you have created. Find me in social media and let me know!

xox Kevin Lee

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